Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Teaser

I'm back!

Ok, not really. I'm actually still in the midst of my "three-projects at once, traveling all the time, kids on vacation, Cristina teaching again, me stressed-out and slightly overwhelmed" phase. I've been bouncing back and forth between Rio and Salvador, mostly putting out fires. Actually, I feel like I've been mostly sweeping up ashes.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though. My project has to end, because my deadline is ... er ... well, it was yesterday. But I still have to go back to Salvador, Bahia next week. And I have to finish my final reports (two of them) and present my final recommendations. Also, the kids go back to school next week. So things should start getting back to normal. "All's well that ends" ... as I always say.

I've completely abandoned the blog, because, along with any other "leisure activities", I can't afford distractions. And I am extremely vulnerable to distractions. Like, if I read someone else's blog, and someone posts a link that sounds interesting, I'm going to click on that link ... which leads me to another idea ... then, Hey! let me google more information on that subject!

Then something gives me a new idea for a post for my blog; or I see something I'd like to read about. I can't even think about reading fiction, because it will suck away my attention from my real obligations ....

So there it is. I admit to not being a very disciplined person. So I also admit that I am not blogging again yet: this post is just to announce that I'm still alive, and also see if anyone is still out there. And if anyone actually cares if I come back ;-)

This can be considered a teaser; my first post of 2006, and a few pictures from the last month. Christmas, and -- the "highlight" of January: I was working in Salvador for the two weeks after Christmas, so I flew Cristina and the kids up to spend a week in the hotel (including New Years Eve), where they enjoyed the pool, sightseeing, and hanging out on the beach.

I'll get around to posting more and explaining more when I get around to it. Maybe next week. Maybe not. So here goes:

A picture from late november ... we had just put up the Christmas tree.

A view of the completed patio, with barbecue area and bathroom.

My office / guest house / rec-room ... ready for occupation!

Christmas Eve in Rio ... poolside, late afternoon. Really!

Christmas Morning: Riiiiissse Daaarrth Kevin!

The beach in Salvador. Where I was working. I really was! (Come on! It was Saturday, New Years Eve!)

Lunch on New Years day ...

Hey, little buddy! Are you gonna eat all that?

Walking around Pelourinho, Salvador's historic downtown district.

That's some good ice cream!

Night falls by the Elevador Lacerda, which overlooks the Mercado Modelo and the marina.

That's all for now.